updated on 2005-09-17

0900 Welcome and Announcement
Integrated Modeling chaired by A. Fukuyama
0910 S. C. Jardin (PPPL) Towards Integrated Modeling of Burning Plasmas abstract presentation
0950 A. Becoulet (CEA-Cadarache) Integrated Tokamak Modelling Activity for ITER in Europe abstract presentation
1030 Coffee break
chaired by S. C. Jardin
1040 A. Fukuyama (Kyoto U) Integrated Modeling Activities in Japan abstract presentation
1120 L. LoDestro (LLNL) Overview of Integrated Modeling Activities at LLNL (presented by ?) presentation
1200 Lunch
Edge-Core Integration chaired by A. Becoulet
1330 J. M. Park (KBSI) Two-Dimensional Transport Simulations of KSTAR Tokamak in Coupled Region of Core, Edge Pedestal, and Scrape-off Layer abstract presentation
1410 A. Kritz (Lehigh U) Pedestal, ELMs and Saturated Neoclassical Tearing Modes in Integrated Modeling Simulations abstract presentation
1450 T. Ozeki (JAERI) Integration of Models for Burning Plasmas in JAERI, and ELM Simulation by Transport-MHD Codes abstract presentation
1530 Coffee break
chaired by T. Takizuka
1540 C. S. Chang (New York U) Integrated Simulation of Tokamak Edge Plasmas abstract presentation
1620 H. Kawashima (JAERI) Divertor Simulations by Integrated Code (SONIC) with Plasma Fluid Modeling and Monte-Calro Modeling for Neutrals and Impurities abstract presentation
1700 H. Naitou (Yamaguchi U) Extended MHD Simulation by Gyro-Reduced-MHD Code and Gyrokinetic Particle Code abstract presentation
1730 End of Session
Computation chaired by K. Kusano
0900 S. Tokuda (JAERI) Present Status of the MARG2D Code and It's Parallel Computation abstract presentation
0930 Y. Todo (NIFS) A Complementary Fluid Method in the Delta-f Particle Simulation abstract presentation
1000 Coffee break
Waves and MHD chaired by T. Ozeki
1010 D. B. Batchelor (ORNL) Integrated Modeling of Wave-Particle Interactions and Interactions with MHD abstract presentation
1050 V. Chan (GA) Simulation of ICRF Interactions with Fast Ions and Modification of MHD Stability abstract presentation
1130 S. Murakami (Kyoto U) Integrated Modeling of Plasma Heating and Fast Particles abstract presentation
1210 Lunch
Transport Modeling chaired by A. Kritz
1330 J. Weiland (Chamers U) Recent Progress in Transport Modelling; Momentum Transport and Effects of Varying Correlation Length abstract presentation
1410 K. Uzawa (Kyoto U) Effect of External Mean Flow on Zonal Flow Generation abstract presentation
1440 J. E. Anderson (Kyoto U) Zonal Flows Generation in Collisionless Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence abstract presentation
1510 Coffee break
chaired by J. Weiland
1520 M. Honda (Kyoto U) Comparison of Turbulent Transport Models in Tokamak Transport Simulations abstract presentation
1550 N. Hayashi (JAERI) Simulation of Steady-State Operation in ITER abstract presentation
1630 Y. Nakamura (JAERI) Simulation Modeling of Fully Non-Inductive Buildup Scenario in High Bootstrap Current Tokamaks without Center Solenoid (presented by A. Fukuyama) abstract presentation
1710 O. Mitarai (Kyushu Tokai U) Plasma Current Start-Up and Ignition in the Component Test Facility (CTF) Device abstract presentation
1740 End of Session
1900 Workshop Dinner at "Juttoku-ya Tsukushi-guchi " (Near Hakata Station)
MHD and Transport chaired by Y. Todo
0900 K. Kusano (Earth S) Interlocking Models for Multi-Scale Simulations abstract presentation
0940 N. Ohnishi (Tohoku U) Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas abstract presentation
1020 Coffee break
chaired by V. Chan
1030 M. Yagi (Kyushu U) Global Tokamak Simulation with Multi-Scale Interaction, (I) Neoclassical Tearing Mode (MHD & turbulence interaction) abstract presentation
1100 T. Ueda (Kyushu U) Global Tokamak Simulation with Multi-Scale Interaction, (II) Status of Global ITG Code (transport & turbulence interaction) abstract presentation
1130 S. Nishimura (Kyushu U) Global Tokamak Simulation with Multi-Scale Interaction, (III) RMHD Model Including Transport Effect (transport & MHD interaction) abstract presentation
1200 Lunch
Summary and Discussion on Future Plan chaired by M. Yagi
1330 S. C. Jardin Summary of US and EU Presentation presentation
1345 M. Yagi Summary of JP and KR Presentation presentation
1400 Discusion
1500 Adjourn

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