- TASK: Integrated toroidal plasma modeling code
- BPSD: Data exchange interface for BPSI
- GSAF: Graphic library for Fortran
System requirements:
- OS: Unix-like OS (Ubuntu, macOs, Cent-OS, ...)
- Fortran compiler: Fortran95 or later required
- ifort (Intel OneAPI)
- gfortran (GNU fortran compiler)
- NAG fortran (for Apple M1)
- C compiler: required for graphic library
- X window libraries: required for graphic library
- X window server: required for graphic preview
- MPI library: necessary, if parallel processing is required
- PETSc library: necessary, if massive real matrix is to be solved
- MUMPS library: necessary, if massive matrix is to be solved
- OPEN-ADAS data: necessary, if atomic data is required. We need
ADF11 data and xxdata_11 library
- mkdir git
- cd git
- git clone https://bpsi.nucleng.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/git/gsaf.git
- git clone https://bpsi.nucleng.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/git/bpsd.git
- git clone https://bpsi.nucleng.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/git/task.git
- for the latest version
- cd task
- git checkout -t -b develop origin/develop
Install memo
- 2020-12-16: GIT server will break in this afternoon
- 2020-12-06: macos arm64 preliminary support
- FORTRAN: NAG-fortran (arm64) and gfortran (arm64) partially supported
- NAG-fortran and clang: XX PETSc configure: C compior required NAG library
- gfortran and gcc: MacPorts gcc-devel (11.0.0, arm64): XX installing
- gfortran and clang: MacPorts gcc-devel (11.0.0, arm64) and Apple: working with
MPICH-3.3.2 and PETSC
- macos-arm64-gfortran supported
- macos-arm64-nag-fortran supported
- CHRASC1 and ASCCHR1 added for 1 char conversion, not array
- GPLOTPG: color handling corrected
- REAL(4) and REAL(8): removed for compatibility with nag-fortran
- EXTERNAL declaration for non-module subroutines to remove warning
- above corrections have not been completed yet
2020-11-21 GSAF Version 4.13 released
- V4.13: bsc1.f: NGULEN corrected for underflow error
- V4.12: apl2.f: GPLOTPG added for color changing plot
2020-06-21 TASK is rewinded back to a commit on June 15th.
- Some newer commits were removed because too many large data files
are added in the branch develop.
- If you have any trouble in git pull in develop, make new git
clone, switch to develop branch, and
overwrite the present task directory on the new task
2020-05-24 GSAF Version 4.11 released
- gps.c: line color and line width changes during draw process in
eps and ps files corrected.
- jfrs/cray (without X11) supported (V4.10)
2019-08-15 TASK Version 2.1 released for master and develop branch
develop: pl,dp,wr moved to obsolete, and F90 version plx,dpx,wrx
replaced pl,dp,wr.
develop: library name convention changed: XXXlib.a -> libXXX.a
master: develop is merged
master: obsolete directories are deleted
2019-08-15 GSAF Version 4.09 released
- setrgb: corrected, speed up (V4.08)
- mark2d,rgbbar: corrected
2019-08-15 BPSD Version 1.1 released
trmatrix and trsource: defined
library name changed: bpsdlib.a -> libbpsd.a
Old informations in 2019:
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