Manuscript submission


The invited and accepted contributed papers will be included in the proceedings of the workshop and published in the journal "Contributions to Plasma Physics" (CPP). The maximum length is 8 pages for invited and 6 pages for contributed papers. The papers will go through the usual refereeing process.

The manuscript should be submitted through NIFS Icarus (system for registration and submission) by 9 September 2015.  We also request the authors to bring 3 hard copies at the workshop registration desk.

Procedure to submit through NIFS Icarus:

    1. Login to NIFS Icarus using your email address and password

    2. Click “Contributions/Contributions” on your profile page

    3. Input “Corresponding author name” on Contributions page

    4. Input “Corresponding author e-mail address”

    4. Choose a PDF file of manuscript to be uploaded

    5. Click “update”

The manuscript has to be made by following the guideline of the journal CPP (LINK).  A PDF file of the manuscript should be submitted at this stage through NIFS Icarus, not through the CPP site.  After a refereeing process, the final submission has to be made by uploading a LaTeX source file and figure files

For your convenience, a template Word file is available.  A PDF file made from a Word file may be submitted at this stage, though the final submission has to be made by a LaTeX file.